Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

Don't Bitch at the Pharmacist!
I keep a bottle of these at the drop off window. Make sure to breath deeply and help yourself to one capsule before you start talking to me.

Didn't your momma tell you that patience is a virtue, or that good things come to those who wait? What I do is not an inconvenience.

I don't care if your husband is a cardiologist. I don't care if you have a cab waiting, are late for an appointment, need to catch a flight, or any other bullshit reason why I should rush your prescription. It's going to take as long as I tell you it will take to fill it correctly.

Believe me, I know that you'll be the first one to call the news station and hang my ass out to dry if I fill your prescription wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that you might find this news report interesting -

    A Port Orchard man is charged in Kitsap County District Court with second-degree assault after reportedly threatening to harm pharmacists for not having his prescription filled on time.

    Better quit reading this and get back to work before one of your customers kicks your ass.
